JULY 7, 2017
Jennifer Alejos, Marketing Specialist

 “I was up a creek without a paddle.”

Elva had to seek emergency food assistance after her Medicare bills spiked, leaving her with only $8.77 in her budget for groceries for the entire month.

“It was hard before and now it’s even harder. I applied for food stamps and I only got $16, which you know can’t go far,” she says. “I was up a creek without a paddle.”

Medicine is her biggest expense right now and she goes to dialysis frequently.

Elva confided in her caretaker that she was in need of groceries and was directed to our partner agency, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.

At the food pantry, Elva was able to receive enough food to make full meals for herself.

She’s hoping that her situation will improve in the next few months but is thankful for the help she’s received from the Food Bank and St. Mark’s.